Terms and Conditions

This page is the Terms and Conditions of Peymt covering all the transactions being done on this website. These Terms and Conditions are immediately applied and valid the moment you agree to become our partner or avail of any of our services.

Peymt has the right to update or change these Terms and Conditions anytime for business improvement purposes. The changes will immediately reflect on this page and our team will be informing you or communicate through email.

  1. Peymt Services

a.Standard Services. Peymt shall provide all the services to an optimum level – expertise, tools, personnel, and other resources needed to perform the task shall be provided.

b. Commencement. This agreement shall take effect upon signing the contract between the two parties and shall be nulled immediately upon termination, or agreed contract.

c. Termination. The client, partner, or us (as your gateway processing) can terminate this agreement by providing a 30-day calendar written notice. Upon the effectivity of termination, all of the transactions, obligations, and others shall be terminated also.

  1. Fees and Expenses

a. Fee. The client shall pay a total of (indicate fee) by the start of the contract. Peymt shall submit a monthly invoice or billing to the client that is payable through various options such as checking, online payment, and others.

b. Refund. Failure to proceed with the project for some reason that is controllable on the part of Peymt, a 100% fee shall be refunded.

  1. Opening of Account

a. The merchant will be entitled to use the Peymt Payment System the moment he/she signed the contract or agreement. The merchant will be provided access with all the tools that will be needed to perform and understand all the transactions successfully.


b. Peymt shall provide the necessary support to the merchant related to the system such as customer service, and other related needs.

d. Peymt shall provide a test integration before finally starting the operation to ensure that the whole system is working. The test shall include buying and selling of the specific goods or product of the merchant.

  1. Using the Peymt Gateway

a. When selling products or using Peymt service, the following measures shall undertake:

    • Use the payment gateway to make payment successfully;

    • Not misuse the system to any unlawful doings;

    • Not misuse the Peymt system that may remove nor change its identities; such as removing the logo, trademark, names, and others;

    • Peymt to allow single purchase in multiple payment methods;

5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These terms and conditions shall be governed in accordance with the United States of America’s law.

6. Force Majure

Both parties can be excused on delays of the transactions, projects, and other obligations in case of any occurrence beyond control such as acts of war, fire, strikes, act of God, earthquakes, typhoons, and other calamities or acts of nature. 

These Terms and Condition is applied as soon as you decide to avail any of our services.